Tuesday 12 March 2013

Baby Flu and Fever


Today I just want to share a bit info regarding baby flu and fever.What should you do when your baby have flu and fever?..Straightly take your baby to doctor or wait for a few days?.Or find alternative not to give your baby medicine?..Hmmmm..its not an easy decision and solution plus when your baby not feeling well, it makes you worried.

My baby just get flu for past week and now she's had a fever.This really make me worried!.My mother had bring my daughter to my panel clinic and the doctor gave a few medicine for my daughter.Hmmm, and as usual, my mother 100% believe to the doctor and straightly gave my daughter the medicine complete with antibiotics.

In the evening, my mother call me and told me that she already gave my daughter medicine and antibiotics.Ohhh no!!!!..I'm not planning to simply give my daughter medicine..Then I'll ask my mom what's my baby body temperature now?.After took the temp, its only 36 degree C..which is actually not in fever condition..For info mom out there..your baby is consider normal if their body temperature is 36 degree C (for baby 6 months and above)..No fever at all.Your baby is still consider ok if the body temp until 39 degree C and not sudden (6 months and above), but you need to monitor a few conditions on your baby.If your baby can eat well, drink well, diapers wet as usual.Its should be no problem..But if you feel maybe your daughter is not feeling well, just bring your baby to the doctor.

In my condition.I ask my mom to stop giving my daughter medicine immediately.I'm also not confident with this doc because he also gave antibiotics to my baby.I have read trusted info regarding this matter and actually antibiotics is only kill bacteria not virus.Flu is caused by virus, so antibiotics won't do anything.

I tried not to give my baby any medicine.So I try other alternatives.I did offer my baby a lot of fluids, plain water and milk to keep my baby hydrated.I  monitor my baby body temperature,  I did also monitor my baby diapers, monitor the wetness of the diapers..I did also monitor either my baby active or not. So far I see my baby is ok.Flu is gone in a few days and no fever.Its important for you to have at least one thermometer in your home.Its very..very..very..useful when you have a baby or child.

For muscle aches and fever, you can give your child acetaminophen or ibuprofen.I did not try give this two medicine to my baby.But I'd prefer to give my daughter this medicine compare to give medicine from the doctor which I'm not confident at all.You can find the acetaminophen or ibuprofen at pharmacy.

After my daughter recover from flu, then yesterday my mom call me and told that my daughter temperature is 38 degree C, and her body is a bit warm.I'm very worried.My mother as usual, already gave my daughter medicine.Medicine from the previous doc.The one that I'm not confident.Hmmmm..what to say..I ask my mom not to give my daughter medicine anymore.

I cannot blame my mom because the time my mom raise me and the time I raise my daughter its different.I really thankful to my mom for taking care of my daughter while I'm working at town.

I never despair.I still try not simply give my daughter medicine.I'll ask my mom not to gave my daughter the medicine.We can try other method. I give suggestion to my mom to get 'cool fever' for my daughter.What you need to do is just stick the 'cool fever' on your baby forehead at night.Other than that, you also need to bath your baby with warm water (not cold one) and also a lot of rest.And offer your baby water, fluid (home made fruit juice without sugar) and also soup.

As a mom or parents, you is the want who know your baby better.Keep reading from trusted source (medical board) to increase your knowledge.Never left your baby hydrated because its very dangerous and can cause fatal.And please change our mind set not too depend on medicine.Try alternative way to make your baby more comfortable.Other than that, maybe there is other factor why your baby had fever, one of logic reason maybe its teething time for your baby..:)..

Try not to fully depend on medication for the sake of your child!..Its all up to you to decide!.I just shared my personal tought and experience..:)

Make the right choice!!

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