Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Perlukah bedung or swaddle your baby?

Assalamualaikum and morning,

Is it necessary to swaddle your baby?..Actually swaddle atau bedung your baby tak semestinya perlu.Depends on the baby itself.Ada baby yg mmg tak ske langsung kne swaddle but some mmg so comfortable to be swaddle.Kalau tak bedung ada baby yg tak boleh tidur.

But in Malay culture, usually mmg after baby born je.org2 senior such as our mom, nenek and etc akan cepat2 bedung baby.Its just culture.Not compulsory to swaddle your baby.Just in early stage after baby born mmg most of babies ske kne bedung because the baby feel warm and konon2 baby ni ingat they still in their mom womb.Sebab inside our womb mmg feel warm . That's why ble baby lahir and terdedah kat udara diorang nangis.Sejuk...But after da kne bedung suma, baby will sleep..:)..Cute sgt tgk baby tido.

In malays ade mitos regarding berbedung ni.Some of mom yg bedung baby ketat2 and utk tempoh yg lama because scared their baby jalan "kengkang" nanti.They think swaddle ni boleh prevent their baby utk jalan "kengkang".Its just a myth.Swaddle bukan menentukan our baby jalan elok or not.Its just to give your baby feel like inside the womb, warm and can get your baby better sleep.

Like me.I just swaddle my baby for two weeks only.After that da tak swaddle lg.My baby pun tak ske kne bedung.Usually she will kick kain bedung tu.Habis terbukak kain bedung..I just fully swaddle by baby kalau kira betul2 only one week another one week swaddle kaki je.Because usually my baby akan usaha nak keluarkan her hand.Hehe.So at last after two weeks da tak swaddle lg.Just cover my baby dgn selimut only.

As for me,I mmg not prefer my baby to be swaddle.Sebab dulu time muda mudi..Hehe.Time before married..Long2 time ago.I terbaca one artikel at "Mingguan Wanita" yang the doctor tak berape galakkan baby to be swaddle because it will interfere with their development.Sebab ble kne swaddle, baby's movement will be limited.Sebab all those movement is control by brain.Makin byk baby moves, so makin byk they use their brain utk control their movements.Tu from artikel which I read dulu2.But my mom mula2 insists nak swaddle my baby.I told my mom just jgn swaddle ketat2.Kesian tgk baby.Tegak je da mcm kayu.

But then bile my mom tgk yg my daughter mmg tak berapa ske kne swaddle.We just bedung longgar2 and at last da tak bedung lg.My mom bukan ape.tkt bile xbedung, baby mcm terkejut-terkejut.Actually terkejut tu mmg normal.Ble baby mcm da 3 or 4 weeks, lg sensitif.Dgr bunyi pintu tutup kuat terkejut and sometimes menangis.Its actually baby tu sensitif dgn surrounding dia.Do not be too worried.Its just normal.My baby pun mcm tu.One of the way yg we all did is letak bantal besar skit utk kepung baby.Jgn letak bantal kecik and ringan because it can be dangerous for your baby.Tkt bantal tertutup muka baby.Its so serious.Can cause death.Sebab baby kecik2 mmg tak boleh nak alihkan bantal ble tertutup their face.So make sure letak bantal besar skit and a bit heavy.

Ok.because our topic today is about swaddle.I just wanna share yg swaddle skrg ade a lot of types!..and cute too!!..One of the modern swaddle is yg berzip.Tgk kemas je ble pakaikan baby with this swaddle.

This is how the swaddle look like.Cute and kemaskan??..This is my friend's baby.Baby baru je lahir a few days ago.Time pic ni ambik mmg baru deliver but dah balik rumah..:)..Price for this swaddle is RM40/pc.Have a lot of colours and patterns. Brand:Gugu Swaddle Pop.Gugu swaddle pop ni boleh pakai until baby 6 kg.

Other that zip swaddle ade gak swaddle yg mcm pelekat tau.Take a look below pictures.Nice and look comfortable for babies.

I'm prefer this type of swaddle yg gne pelekat.But maybe I'll grab also Gugu Pop Swaddle.Both nampak cute and kemas.

But for me, If I swaddle my baby pun maybe until 2 weeks old.I do not like to swaddle sgt my baby.For my daughter, I just swaddle using bedung biasa je.But not the plain one tapi ade corak2.Cute but always terbukak esp ble baby kicking.My baby mmg active kick.Mmg swaddle tu just kemas kejap je then da hbs terbuka.

Ape2 pun, swaddle ni depends on mom la nk swaddle their baby for how long.Its actually we are the one yg corakkan our baby mcm mane.But I believe semua mom want to give the best for their babies.So good luck mom!!..And do a lot of readings.

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