Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Cara Mudah Mendidik Anak

Assalamualaikum and Hi,

This entry i just wanna share skit info which i know untuk mendidik anak. Just simple info but i think it will give big impact in the future .Semua berpunca daripada kita as parents.The most simple thing that we can practice in our family is Always Tell The Truth and Don't Ever Promise to your child if you cannot fulfill it!.

I know,this look simple,but actually it hard to do it.Bukan senang nak always tell the truth tau,sebab kadang2 bila bergurau we tend to lie tanpa kita sedari. But no matter what,we have to do it!.Always try to tell the truth!.We have to working hard on it!.For the sake of our kids.Actually,before ni sometimes bila make a joke i tend to lie.Bukan lie apa pun,just main2 but then i will tell the truth.For example if my husband tanya now pukul berapa,i said pukul 12.00 malam,but actually baru je pukul 10.00 malam.Then i said tipu je..My husband is specky,so tak nampak la kalau tak pakai spec.Maybe it look simple,but tipu tetap tipu.Rite??.Sometimes,we didn't realize yang we are the one who encourage our kids to lie.We need to do screening on ourself first!.,before we put the blame 100% on our kids if they make mistake.

Before ni, i never taught yang walaupun kita tipu2 just untuk bergurau,tapi tipu tetap tipu.But than one day i heard lagu Yusof Islam.Tak ingat which song,but at the end of the song ada keluar slide show tertulis antara sunnah yang susah nak diikut something meaning like this "Nabi Muhammad pbuh always tell a truth even though its a joke" (Never tell a lie even though its a joke). By that time, timbul kesedaran what i have done before is wrong.Need to change!.Feel touching when reading that sentence.From that sentence mmg give me kesedaran yang our prophet ialah seorang yang tidak pernah bercakap bohong,but me..always make a joke with lying..Hope i can improve myself.

Just wanna share satu petikan berkaitan Nabi Muhammad saw mmg dikenali sebagai orang yang sentiasa bercakap benar.This info i read from book Title: Perjanjian Hudaibiyah, Author: Abdul Latip Talib, Publisher: PTS Litera Utama Sdn Bhd.

I focus at part yang menggambarkan Nabi Muhammad saw adalah seorang yang sentiasa bercakap benar.

Conversation antara kaum Bani Khuzaah (Bukan Islam) dengan Nabi Muhammad:

"Wahai Muhammad, aku tahu tuan orang yang sentiasa bercakap benar.Oleh itu,jawab pertanyaanku ini dengan jujur,"kata Budail.

Above sentence shown us yang orang bukan Islam pun mmg tau,iktiraf and percaya yang Nabi Muhammad adalah seorang yang sentiasa bercakap benar.

So,thing that my husband and me praktikkan ialah always remind one another.Sometimes we forget and buat lawak ada unsur2 tipu,so bila ingat je salah,terus tegur and try untuk tak buat.As i said before,it look simple,but hard to practice,but its not possible to do!.Kena sentiasa ingat meningati sebab manusia mmg always lupa.

Other than that,jangan sesekali berjanji dengan anak then kita tak dapat fulfill our promise.Anak akan kecewa.If we not sure,let say ada plan nak bawak anak jalan2,tapi tak sure sempat ke tak,jangan bg tau,sebab budak kecik ni,bila kita dah bg tau,they taught we promise to them,bila tak jadik pergi,anak akan frust.Its not good for your kids psychology and lama2 nanti akan timbul rasa tak percaya anak kat kita.That is the thing that we need to avoid!.

In my case,my daughter still with my mom at kampung.So everyday i will call my daughter.My mom always cakap at my daughter yang i want to bring my daughter jalan2,just nak tarik perhatian my daughter untuk datang kat handphone.But then i always inform my mom jangan cakap mcm tu,i didn't plan untuk bring my daughter jalan2 time i call.I need to educate my mom yang we cannot lie and promise anything with our kids no matter what.Jangan jadikan alasan untuk kita bercakap bohong.Always tell the truth.In my case,i always tell back at my daughter yang i don't have plan nak bawak jalan2.Although ada org fikir takpe,baby kecik lagi,bukan tau apa pun.But that's not my style.What is wrong will be wrong forever.It cannot be right.And for info,your baby hear everything what you said.Just baby ni mudah lupa,but if you always cakap ualang2 kali,they will remember!.

So here,i remind myself to do a lot of improvement for the sake of my family!.You cannot do it by yourself,need your partner to support you.

So let's try and work hard for the better!.I believe all parents want to give the best for their kids!.Anak adalah amanah Allah and khalifah di muka bumi Allah,and parents is the want who responsible untuk mencorakkan anak menjadi seorang Yahudi, Majusi or Nasrani.Deep meaning in that sentence!.

Before that, wanna share,lagu Yusof Islam tu good for your child,ada education in the song.Kids friendly..:)..You can watch his video at Youtube. I love all his songs!.


  1. Your blog is so good puan.

    saya baca dan saya sedar yang saya banyak bergurau mcm tu. anyway it will help me to improve myself before my baby come out.

    Thanks again. sorry comment banyak. excited dapat info.

    1. Thanks a lot Future Mom for your constructive comment!.Really appreciate it!.Mudah mudahan kita sama2 dapat improve ourself..:).Ingat mengingati..:)..Boleh je nk komen byk2 pun..No prob..:)

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